Thursday, December 9, 2010

Late for War

It's a good thing American independence wasn't dependent on me. We'd all still be speaking with a British accent and have bad teeth. I've recently come to appreciate the fact that our Founding Fathers had WAY better timing than I do.

I learned this lamentable fact when my sister-in-law Wendy planned a re-inacting of the Battle of Bunker Hill for a large scale homeschool demonstration.  She called us to see if Connor and Chloe could show up and fight a mini-war against her kids.  We were supposed to put on all our RED clothes and storm up the hill towards their house where the Shumway kids would all be authentically dressed up as a bunch of rag-tag revolutionaries defending their freedom with a bunch of farm implements from Grandpa Clark's barn.

Much like the Bunker Hill Battle itself:

When I called on a Tuesday to make sure we were all set to storm the battlefield I was informed the whole coup d'etat had already taken place...last week!

Here's what we missed:
 (I'm not sure the kid in green got the memo.)
It was mighty embarrassing when I had to gather my little band of red-dressed marauders and tell them I had led them astray.  I had disappointed my troops at home and thought for a moment they would send me to the gallows.  I was just glad there wasn't REAL freedom at stake, or we'd all be in trouble.  Unfortunately in the memory books here at home, I will go down in history as a wayward General who was late for war.

1 comment:

  1. HAHA! All too familiar. We're two peas in a pod, you and I (except, of course, your blog looks a lot nicer than mine!)

    And, though I hate to say it, the British teeth thing is NOT a myth.


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