Monday, December 20, 2010

I Think My Cat is Jewish

The house has been marinating in Christmas music and our cat "Edward Scissorhands" has been acting mighty peculiar lately.  Normally it lounges around content to spend the entire day napping somewhere INSIDE the house.  I don't really know when grouchy Edward made the transition from outdoor mouser to indolent indoorsman but it rarely goes outside anymore.

However, I recently found something that will make him pine for the great outdoors...Christmas music.  Once I hit play, the thing will actually awake from a deep slumber and head strait for the door where it will sit, making holiday protestations with it's ears flared back, until someone lets it out.

It'll stay there for a good hour, and if nobody lets it out it will go to the nearest chair conveniently located by an exit and remain there like it's taking part in some sort of non-violent sit-in, keeping it's ears flattened until the music stops or it gets patrolled.
Oy Vey! I think my cat could be Jewish.

1 comment:

  1. How very odd! If you HAVE to have a cat, at least he's a character!


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