Monday, August 30, 2010

The Looky-Loo in my Loo

Bathrooms are a curious place.

Mine has unexpectedly become a magazine library, though I've never myself understood this peculiar bathroom trend or found the time to peruse any of them.  The library built up gradually.  Years ago periodicals just suddenly appeared on the back of the toilet tank.  First one, then another, and finally a small stack.  In the event I removed them, they would soon quietly re-appear.

After a while I gave up on my bid to eradicate this disturbing embellishment.  Then, later, in a gesture of peace, I legitimized the small library, giving it official status by housing them in a basket.  What I didn't expect to have happen, as a result of my surrender,  was the unforeseen dilemma created by their upright-ness.

Laying a magazine on its backside makes it just that, a magazine on its backside.  But when you turn it upright, well, it becomes a poster.  Be it a travel poster like a National Geographic,
an adventure poster, like a sailing magazine,
or in this case,an AWKWARD poster of someone staring at you while you are otherwise preoccupied IN YOUR LOO.

A nameless person who resides here in the house often gets complimentary magazine subscriptions when he signs up to compete in a race.  These sort of magazines have now found their way into the basket in a most disagreeable upright display .  And now every month there seems to be a man-of-the-month staring at me in my own bathroom.

This month's cover was especially AWKWARD don't you agree?

I think someone's gonna get a subscription to travel and leisure.  Heaven knows I could use a reprieve from these bathroom beefcakes.


  1. Your blog posts are like candy....I turn to it after a late-night session of listing apartment ads on Craigslist....It brings balance and laughter back to my world. Thanks!

  2. PS

    May I borrow that magazine when you are done with it????

    My bathroom could use a little spicing up!

  3. Hehehe! Yeah, I can see how that'd put you off your business for sure! You're going to have to turn him around.


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