Thursday, May 24, 2012

Chair Surfing

I always thought office chairs were...well, for the office.  But apparently when you leave one out in the garage to cart off to Goodwill --a teenager will assume it's a mode of transportation.  Which is perhaps why perhaps I should not have "parked" it in the garage while I was getting up the gumption to go and donate it.

A few days after leaving the thing in the garage I catch a glimpse of Connor's knee ...

[warning: Gross Photo Ahead]

And when I asked him what had happened he just got that grin. It's the one he gets right before I find out he's been playing rooftop football or tarp jumping off tool sheds.  That grin.  I counterpoint another grin back at him, the one that says 'what freak show did you involve yourself in this time, kid??' Then he comes clean.

Turns out he was "Chair Surfing".  I didn't even know you could do that.  But of course Connor did.  And he and his buddy Severin.
(why are we not surprised Sev was involved here?) decided it would be really fun to "surf" the chair down the driveway at high speeds rolling towards the basketball hoop and then use it to make an excellent jump shot.  They figured that by the time they got to the hoop they'd be much higher to the rim thus putting a real jump start into their jump shot.  Turns out all it did was increase the height and speed at which they fell from said rim onto the crusty unyielding pavement.

Apparently from the looks of Connor's knee, the jump shot wasn't so excellent.  He's now a retired chair surfer.  And the's now safely down at Goodwill.  So for any of you wanna-be chair surfers-- it's down at Goodwill waiting for you...and it's bargain priced!

1 comment:

  1. Holy chunked knee! That kid's going to have a ton of good scar stories!


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