Thursday, November 10, 2011

Tooth Fairy Layoffs?

It's happened again.  The Tooth Fairy has made yet another bicuspid blunder.

It's the same ol' problems I've blogged before. But this time we're getting quite worried.  It's one thing for the Tooth Fairy to be forgetful once, or make the exchange in the wrong location twice, but it's starting to get a bit ridiculous. 

Once again Chloe left a tooth under one pillow and in the morning when she checked under it, the tooth was still there.  THEN after filing her complaint with a parent and getting a little "search" help, we discovered there was indeed $2 left under two other pillows.  Hmmmmmm.  Sounds like a problem with redundancy now.

Chloe and I have discussed it and decided something must have happened to the poor little fairy.  Our theory is that perhaps under these hard economic times there's been a little downsizing going on at the 'Council of Legendary Figures' department (that's what Wiki calls it cause we looked it up hoping to see what the deal was with all the missing loot), AND, in order to keep things in the black we think the Tooth Fairy may have recently suffered a lay off and now the Easter Bunny is doing double duty.

The reason for our suspicions is that most of the time Chloe has to hunt for her money.  It's not always directly under her pillow.  The Easter Bunny would certainly fit that bill.  Perhaps forgetting these are not eggs to be hid, just money to be placed--and under the right pillow to be very specific.  All issues that point suspiciously toward fairy downsizing and Easter Bunny behavior.

Whomever is doing the Tooth Fairy's job, it certainly is not the T.F. herself.  Far too many mix-ups or just plain omissions if you ask us.  Which may be why she got downsized.  We're just not sure what is going on.

Meanwhile Chloe just recently lost 4 teeth in a row.  She's got one left before braces.  And recently she's expressed a sigh of relief saying "It's a good thing I won't be needing the Tooth Fairy for much longer, cause she's losing it."

And I agree.  I've been saying all along that I think all our little overwhelmed fairy needs is a nice vacation or a massage or something.  That should help her get her mojo back.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you're having tooth fairy trouble too because ours has been a bit of a slacker over here - truth be told! At least if it's happening all over the world I don't have to feel so bad about it!


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