Tuesday, September 13, 2011

How To Pack a Plane

Well, it's official.  Mitchell has left for college.

And it seems all his stuff left for college too.  All of it.  His room is cleared out. Two computers, three monitors, an enormous computer parts collection, tools, a modem (yes, the modem that used to get us on the internet here at home), and a bunch of other electronic gizmo thingamajigs that I have no clue what they're called.

I think the only thing he left at home was his clothes. He had very little space in which to fit all his worldly possessions and I guess his clothes were less important.

Here you see what looks to be a moderate stash of treasured goods that Mitchell intends to take to college.  The small red duffel bag in the very back of the truck there--that's his clothes.  The rest of it is computer related.

And here's the space he has to transfer all his stuff to and fit somehow in this tiny airplane:

Mitchell's using his origami skills to make things fit...

If at first you don't succeed, take it apart and try try again...

hope nobody needs to move their seat back...

So somewhere out at a college near you, there's a naked freshman who brought all his electronics to school but had no room for his clothes.

Here's Mark and Mitchell taking off for school.  No room for me, the back seat was completely full.  Which left me on the tarmac taking video.
We're not sure if the wing tip was indeed an official "wing wave" or the overloaded plane having trouble with a takeoff. I'm betting on the latter...

Luckily they weren't so overloaded that they actually made it to campus.

...and naturally, before unpacking clothes, he unpacked his computers.

But really, so what if he is ill prepared to clothe himself adequately for foul weather and ends up freezing this winter at school...at least with all his computer stuff he'll be able to remote access my computer back at home to fix all my computer issues.  Frostbite will heal, the sting of computer trouble back at home, that could leave permanent scars.


  1. Oh Stac...you lost your tech guy!! You wouldn't believe how many times I wished I had one of those living in our house. It is a sad sad day for sure.
    Maybe I can have Mitch remote hack into ours. The whole idea of it is actually very cool!
    As far as staying warm in the freezing weather, that's what duct tape is for, isn't it? He'll have a duct tape snow suit whipped up in know time.
    Have fun with only TWO kids left to haul around...you lost your driver too!! Oh man, I'm weeping for you now! On the bright side, your insurance should go down. Haha

  2. Okay...I just realized that I put the wrong kind of NO in my sentence! I'm an idiot!

  3. I instantly like Mitchell - if only because he reminds me of someone I've got at home. My computer nerd has the same plastic crate drawer thingy full of wire too! And his computer stuff also takes priority over his clothes.

    And what a posh way to go off to school - in a private plane! Wowza!


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