Monday, February 28, 2011

Blog Bully

I have a nasty little habit, I'm a blog bully.  It's pretty bad. I love to pressure my friends into starting blogs and then when I wear them down and they can't take it anymore and they actually do start one, then I switch to bugging them to keep posting stuff. It's gotten so bad that I've even figured out my friends passwords and uploaded pictures to their blogs for them and suggested they write something.  How bad is that?

What's worse is that I've even become a ghost blogger.

The other day I knew I'd probably taken things way too far when Mark was online and began laughing.  He looked up and asked me if I'd read a certain somebody's blog because, as he put it, "they're starting to write a lot like you."

"Was it good?" I asked.

"Yeah why?" he replied.

"Just wondering." I said, feigning total disinterest.

Of course I had written and posted the whole thing and now I was feeling like I'd embarked on some sort of nefarious double life my husband has no idea about. The poor guy sleeps at night thinking I'm just some ordinary housewife but little does he know that by night I smuggle my friends passwords, highjack their blogs, and upload the tawdry tales of their life. And, mind you, without any remorse whatsoever.

I wonder if there's some sort of 12-step program for this sort of addiction?  I think I need help.

By the way...have YOU blogged lately?



  2. HAHAHAHA! This is so funny!

    The only annoying thing is, I don't know which of your friends' blogs to check to read the thing YOU wrote. I don't want to miss it!


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