Monday, October 10, 2011


Over the last couple of years I've been feeling sort of guilty that my own husband was not #1 on my cell phone's favorites list.  As you can see, that honor went to our son Mitchell who has really been my go-to guy when most of my phone calls are made...

I've sort of hoped Mark would never catch on to the fact that he wasn't "El Numero Uno" and have worked very hard to keep my phone out of his hands so he would never discover the shameful truth.

Then recently, the depth of this scandal was wholly exposed.  It was while Mark was running his marathon, when he gave me his phone to hold while he ran his race, that things took a different turn.  At some point I decided to make a call from his phone.

I pushed the phone button
Then, because I didn't know the number I needed to dial, I pushed Mark's Favorites button, assuming there was a good chance the number I needed would probably be listed there (I was looking for Cheyenne):

...and this is what I saw...

Apparently I'm not his #1 favorite either!  

A big grin spread across my face, what a relief!  We've both listed each other as our #2 favorite.  How beautiful is that! And even better, Mitchell ranked #1 on both our phones.  Two years of guilt totally gone!

Then suddenly, I realize that now a new quandary now arises.  Clearly this list will get us both in a wee bit of trouble with the rest of the folks who made the list and a few who did not. I can just see an argument brewing on the methods each of us used for our individual ranking systems-- which should land us both in hot water.

But before our daughter Cheyenne starts crying fowl that Mitchell is clearly both her parent's favorite child, (should come as no big surprise really, perhaps she should learn to troubleshoot more of her parents electronic problems--a surefire way to up her ranking),
I would like to point out that at least Chey made it onto my list.  While she may be ranked fourth behind my good friend Kathy I would like to call her attention to the fact that she tragically doesn't even make her father's top 8 list of favs.  And, even more scandalous, Mitchell is listed TWICE as #1 and #7.

It looks like my 2nd ranked husband has some explaining to do.


  1. Loved that Mitchell has two spots on Mark's phone! Hilarious. This post is inspiring me to do some re-ranking on MY phone!

  2. I am totally offended. I feel like I have been voted off the Island, Dad! At least mom still has me on the list!!! Although, I did delete both of you on my favorites and it's now just Justice. :) PAYBACK!


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