Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Nerf Gone Wrong

Most of our family squabbles are worked out in one of two ways.  By a decisive game of Rock, Paper, Scissors, or we shoot it out with our arsenal of Nerf guns.  These methods usually solve everything, including marital spats.

The boys around the house apparently do not understand the simple reasoning behind "foam-based weaponry" which is--to AVOID human harm.  They've been complaining for years that the firepower just isn't enough so satisfy their hunter/gatherer, testosterone amp-ed need for violence.

I arrived home one afternoon and found this scene:
Apparently my guys were not the first to suffer from the pains of inadequate "fire power" offered by Nerf.  When the boys Googled their awful plight and actually found a website...
They spent the entire afternoon "modifying" every Nerf gun in the house.
Thank goodness for Google.  It's so good, it hurts.

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