Monday, June 20, 2011

What Would the Amish Think?

Okay, I admit it. My kids could never be Amish.

With just one week into summer the kids have run out of stuff to do. Thankfully this is not really a problem for me because I have trained my children not to ever ever utter the words "I'm bored". They know if they do, and I happen to hear them, they'll end up wearing rubber gloves and getting reacquainted with a toilet bowl scrubber. (Stealthy parenting, I know.)
So if in fact they are bored, they'll keep it to themselves like it's a dirty little secret.

Last night the teenagers at the house were looking for something to do--while avoiding at all costs mentioning the B-word.  After a while they disappeared and soon I heard an unusual commotion outside.
Away to the window I flew like a flash, 
tore open the shutters and threw up the sash...
blah, blah, blah...
to what to my wondering eyes should appear? 
But Mitchell and Nick out racing John Deere's!

Seriously, that was the scene, I kid you not. The teenagers were out on our driveway drag racing our two riding lawnmowers.

How bored do you have to be to think of that?

Must have been fun because they raced them again the next day.

This time Connor (who is now at long last heavy enough to weigh the seat down in order to engage the driving system) decided to get in on the contest.

So while other kids are making dirt forts, fighting pretend wars, and running in sprinklers...mine are racing grass cutting contraptions.

I'm wondering what the Amish would think.


  1. It's nice to get back to reading your blog after a couple of busy months! I've missed it.

    First of all, I've been using that "go scrub a toilet" line now when my kids says they're bored - thanks to you.

    Second of all, TWO riding mowers?! Really?! I wanna hear the story behind that!

  2. The TWO ride on mowers?...oh, they match her TWO pianos!! Stacy does a lot of things in TWOS. Two's are a big deal to her. haha!

  3. I was gonna make a comment but that would make three. I prefer two.


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