Thursday, January 13, 2011

Cat Tails are Flammable

Here's some handy advise to any of you who may have been gifted a lovely scented candle for Christmas:
Please be advised that it is not a good idea to light your new candle and set it on your bathroom counter while applying your make-up.  Especially if you happen to own a cat who likes to lounge on said counter and watch you with its back toward your lovely new burning candle and proceeds to swish its tail back and forth across the flame.  It is quite possible that while you are otherwise preoccupied at your mirror trying not to pinch you eyelids with your eyelash curler and ignoring the stupid cat, that the melodious smell of "Hawaiian Breeze" you anticipated wafting throughout your bathroom will unexpectedly smell more like "Seared Cat Tail".

...Which, in turn, will make your already estrogen-imbalanced cat get even moodier...and your bathroom stink.


  1. Wait... so Edward Scissorhands is a GIRL?!

  2. Too funny Stac!
    You couldn't possibly get rid of your cat. He/she gives you too much blogging material.
    Can't wait to see you.

  3. Yep, you caught us! Edward is a girl. Shocking I know. But it scratches like Edward Scissorhands so we went with it (our sincere apologies to your Edward for gender-bending his poor name). Would a cat by any other name scratch so mean? Fluffy just didn't seem appropriate.

    and yes Sharie, who knew that I would spend most of my blog space on the one thing that annoys me the $@!# cat.


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