Sunday, March 21, 2010

Baggie Snob

I love my sister-in-law.  Dearly.  Severely.  Oh-So-Clearly.  In fact, she's so great that I'd even upgrade her to the title of SISTER and leave off the hyphened part altogether.  She's just that good of a sister (especially since she recently spent a sunny Saturday afternoon helping me weed my lawn!  Which, by the way, is a hot tip for any of you currently having sister-in-law troubles.  A surefire way to get back in her good graces.)

But as all sisters do, she has her quirks.  Lots of them.  Mostly endearing, sometimes bewildering, and altogether amusing.

Yesterday our quirky-quirks squared off and went head-to-head when she came over to drop some stuff off at my house.  The "stuff" was of the loose variety, the kind that needs to be collected and zipped into a baggie. At the time I didn't notice anything peculiar about what exactly she had dropped off.  It wasn't until I needed it and went to get it out of the baggie that I noticed with much dismay her particular fondness for frugality. With great alarm I noticed the baggie itself...

For those of you who've never seen such a thing,
this is called a "Twist Tie".
I call it "A Relic".

 Later when I saw her again I couldn't help but comment on her baggie. 
"Who uses those anymore?" I scoff with my most incredulous tone.

To which she flatly replied, "You're a baggie snob."

And she's right.  There's no doubt about that.  You will never catch me wash them out and attempt to reuse them, nor fiddle with twist ties.  You also won't catch me using the folding kind with the flippy hibbidy jibbidy lip.  In fact, the store I usually buy my baggies at, they just quit carrying the brand I love so much.  And, being the proud baggie snob that I am, I simply refused to buy the cheapo kind...

I think she'd die if she found out I solved my dilemma by upgrading to the zipping TAB kind:
Added to which, I also admit that I'm also a kook about:
  • Brand of Paper Towels
  • Brand of Toilet Paper (AND rolling from the top down.  I will even change yours if it's amiss.)
  • Old School Toothpaste Tubes with the Screw-on Caps (Won't buy those)
  • Down Pillows
  • Using Butter never margarine
  • Banning Ketchup on eggs
  • Labels Facing Out
Honestly, there's a lot of things I'm not so fastidious about, like my messy piles of books or making my bed every single day, but I guess the above list may mean that I've got a few bewildering/amusing quirks myself.  Okay, lots of them.  But who's counting? (8)


  1. I've done some price comparison for you, Stacy.

    A flip top (hippity, jibbity) baggie costs 2.5 cents at our local Walmart.

    A standard ziplock is twice that, at 5 cents each.

    The luxurious zipper seal is a HORRIFIC TEN CENTS EACH! You may as well toss dimes around the house!

    As for the baggie I gave you, it was recycled (very GREEN of me) from the bulk foods department at Winco....which made it absolutely FREE!!!

    (I love reading your blog, SISTER!)

  2. You could poke my eyes out with all the twist ties you want and I'm still not gonna surrender my zips! And, why am I not surprised that you rummage your baggies for free...


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