Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Language Lessons

Okay, I'm just gonna confess it.  A quote from Chloe:
"Mom!  That's the fourth time you've said THAT word...and it's SUNDAY!"
And now, it looks like I'm gonna have to think of a new cuss word specifically for use on the Sabbath.  Even though I thought my repeated expression was cautiously PG.  I guess it wasn't.  Hmmmm.  This is gonna be a real pickle.


  1. my sister once told me that she was going to replace any kind of those "words" with something funny so that whenever she wanted to use a "word" then she would have to say something funny and it would lighten her mood!

    Good luck with your quest!

  2. Hellfire and damnation DO have a Sunday theme!

    But, personally, I'm lovin' the Fantastic Mr Fox approach of late - just substituting the word "cuss" for all cuss words. Fun for the whole family!

  3. Both good suggestions!

    Daish-I am trying out the word "cuss" this week and surprisingly, because of the tone in which I spew it forth, it's sounding lewd enough to meet my needs! ...and I whole-heartedly agree, I always thought the hell and damns were quite biblical indeed which is why I've always embraced them so fully. Too fully, if you ask Chloe.


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