Thursday, October 20, 2011

Grandma Can Do Hair!

Let's face it, hairdos have never been my strong suit.  Never.
My poor daughter Cheyenne grew up sadly lacking the latest fashionable hairdo trends.  I was awful with a curling iron, even worse with a hair straightener, and don't even mention the "f-word"...
french braids.  I've been doing this mom thing for twenty years now and I just recently discovered there's an actual difference between a ponytail and a pigtail.  Where was the memo on that? I thought they were interchangeable terms.  Then there's the subject of bows and ribbon.  And all I can really say on that is: absolutely not gonna happen.  This house has had a strict no-bow policy for two decades.

While Cheyenne always went off to school with a homeless hairdo, Chloe did a little troubleshooting and always sports great looking hair.  But quite honestly, it has absolutely nothing to do with me.  Nothing at all.  She figured out at an early age that if she wanted nice fashionable hair she'd better figure it out herself...

...or outsource her do's.  She borrows other peoples mothers who have amazing hair skills or she seeks out friends and family.  Here's Chloe her cousin Sheralyn Shumway and our friend Amanda Petersen trying Amanda's famous "Manny Bun":

But now that I'm (gulp) a grandmother, I thought I'd better try a little harder to develop a few basic mom-ish skills that I've so wretchedly lacked with my own kids.  And since my first grand baby is a girl, what better skill to try and tackle than the hairdo?!

And with a little gel and I think I've got something...
Not bad eh?  I'd even be willing to compromise on my "no-bow" policy.  It might add that special delicate touch to the Mohawk giving it that "My-Grandma-did-my-hair-but-really-I'm-a-girl-and-this-is-the-only-hairdo-she's-good-at-so-far" look.

This most successful hairdo really boosted my confidence.  I may start working on my other motherly shortcomings like scrap-booking with my kids.

Then again, let's not get ahead of ourselves.   


  1. Kinda wish my mom had a no-bow policy when I was a kid. You should see some of the shocking school photos of me growing up. I seriously had more bow than hair!

    Love the baby mohawk! It's clear you're not going to be the traditional granny!

  2. hahahaha Kendra.
    I'd let you do my hair any day.
    I miss you Skillmans. A lot.
    Eugene has a lot of good places to eat at.... just saying.... I would love to show you my world up here.


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