Monday, August 8, 2011

Cart Cardio

Went to Target the other day to pick up just a couple of things--certainly not enough to merit using a shopping cart. A handled basket would have worked. But it seems Chloe had other plans.

Chloe, who had convinced Mitchell's friend Nick to come along with us, decided she wanted to ride in a cart. And not just any cart, mind you. Chloe wanted to take the HUGE ride in cart for a spin around the store. So she talked Nick into pushing her around in one while they followed me in the store. Nick, being a good adopted big brother to both Connor and Chloe, caved into her request and strolled her around.

You know the summer doldrums have finally hit when your kids look for entertainment by doing random weird things. Well that's what happened with these two. One thing led to another and soon the two of them convinced me to push them around the store.

I think I've discovered the perfect workout for mothers. All you need is a a bored little girl, an extra large teenager (also suffering from boredom), and a ride-in Target shopping cart. Your calves will be sore the next day but they're sure to get all nice and toned! It was excellent cardio AND it amused some bored kids.


  1. How great would it have been if a hot teenage girl saw Nick like that?

  2. I love that you have an actual marsh at your house! Not many people can say that. Hehe.


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