Tuesday, October 6, 2009

All Pumped Up!

No more shots!

Chole got hooked up to her brand-new PINK insulin pump yesterday. The pink pumps are a brand-new color, hot off the presses. Chloe says the blue ones and the teal ones, and even the clear ones just wouldn't do. Whatever the color, we're all pretty excited.

Insulin pumps are simply AMAZING. I call them "A Mom in a Box" 'cause these little pager-looking things practically do everything I'm used to doing, including all the math and calculations on how much insulin to give. Ahhhhhhhh!

In the meantime, while we're getting doses dialed in, we're checking her bloodsugars every couple of hours throughout the day and night...which makes me thankful the days of having a newborn baby around the house are LONG GONE.  Ahhhhhhhhh...times two!


  1. Congrats to Chloe!
    That nurse looks like my friend and co-worker Maryann?? At Dr Gallens? is that correct?

  2. Yea Chloe!!! I am so excited for you, and your mom!!!

  3. Way to spot 'em Ronni! I tried to take a discreet photo as not to alarm poor Maryann but you clued right in. You should win some sort of prize, you'll have to contact the prize department of the Skillman Blog and see if anyone answers!


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